Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Christmas preparations

A friend is making marmalade to be sold on behalf of the church for Christmas. He asked me to help produce the labels for the top of the jars. It's turned out to be a big job: I tried using an evaluation  copy of Affinity Publisher (which is in Beta test at present), but after 4 attempts, starting from scratch, I could not get the labels to line up properly with the adhesive labels. I then tried an evaluation copy of Corel Draw, which meant moving over to a Windows PC. These was equally unfamiliar to me, so there was some learning to do, and fortunately I managed to get the labels lined up. After that I tried using Adobe Illustrator (trial version), which meant I could use it on the Mac - It took a bit of trial and error to line them up properly though. I'm reluctant to spend a significant amount of money on this sort of software, as I very rarely use it, but I think if I do get something it will probably be Illustrator - I don't like the Adobe licensing system, but having the whole suite, instead of just PS and LR would be useful, and the UI is more uniform that way.

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