Rain, rain go away...................

.....................It would be nice if the wind went away as well.

This morning I had to go to the vets for a rabies injection. I have to have one every three years so that my doggie passport is kept up-to-date. The vet was very impressed with my behaviour and health. He said my teeth were in an excellent condition for an eight year old collie. Well that's because Ann gives me a dental stick every night before I go to bed. And when he stuck a big needle in me I was ever so good; I didn't even flinch.

However, driving home from the vets was scary. It was very, very windy and rainy and we could feel the car getting blown about. We were scared that we were going to get blown off the road or blown into the on coming traffic. Scary, scary, scary, but fortunately we made it home in one piece.

This afternoon I waited & waited before going out for my walk but the rain didn't show any sign of stopping. We walked along the beach but Ann found it really difficult to stand up because it was so windy. And I didn't do any swimming because the sea was far too choppy.

Then we walked around town but we couldn't walk where we wanted to walk because the sea was coming onto the walkway.

..........................Surely this weather can't last forever??!!

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