The Wind Farm

Looking over the fields to the Wind Farm at Hook Moor Nr Micklefield. A lovely bright sunny day for a walk if rather chilly.

Long ago when I was a kid and the traffic much much lighter, The Great North Road ran through Micklefield and Aberford, Before they by passed them with the A1. Hook Moor which is half way between the two was the stopping place for the Romany's but also a place where people went and picnicked, it was a cross roads. The Gypsies camped on one side and the day trippers on the other. It was a great place for walking it was on the edge of the Lotherton Estate and had big trees to climb. Yes as a girl I climbed as good as the lads, in those days. We were lucky to have a car and we often took the boy who lived next door, Derek, we would climb high up into the trees then we had warblers which sounded like birds and people would be looking up to see what birds were up there.

Now it's fenced off and they have built a wind farm there, Modern Windmills. and of course the A1 

Well today I was going to decorate the porch for Halloween, but decided to get some sewing done that I had been putting off, so will have to do it tomorrow.

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