The road to Bantry

Himself headed off to Cork city to get his new specs and I had another cuppa in bed. By the time I arose the rain had stopped, the sun was shining and everything was sparkling. I headed off to Bantry to get some essentials, dropping in on Annabel and Klaus to see how they had done at various craft fairs - good.

This is the more adventurous route to Bantry, across the mountain. The road as you can see is small - and windy - and only for the brave hearted. There are a few pulling in places. The view at the top though is dramatic and 360. The grasses are an amazing burnt orange at the moment occupied only by blue bottomed sheep (my second choice for a blip) This is the kind of road that this encounter might have taken place. On our first holiday to Ireland we came on the ferry and before we had even arrived at our destination had got into the vibe and brought a cassette of Irish music (yes it was that long ago) which we played at every opportunity - in the car, in the evening (no radio or telly) and everytime we got to this song we all became hysterical and had to join in the chorus - try it! I think by the end of the holiday though we never wanted to hear it again. Funny how you can mishear things to, I'd have sworn they were on the road to Dingle rather than the fair.

Back at home a bit of lumberjacking ensued - it was a huge tree and all the logs now have to be transported to a suitable pile. I then did a bit of hacking back at the end of the house where I always fancifully imagine chickens roosting or a goat grazing. Himself rightly reminds me that I would be devastated if the fox arrived, and I would. Anyway, I was hacking when two strangers suddenly appeared. I have to admit to having a slight moment of alarm for one of them had bright pink hair, no teeth and was wearing a layered tasselled mini skirt and really shouldn't have been. It turned out she was the ex girlfriend of the man who had built our house back in the 70s. I remained diplomatic for what we've heard about him is not very reassurring - he was a drug dealer apparently and had to flee to France; he was also once pursued naked bya neighbour with an axe. Anyway, they were very pleasant and delighted to have a quick look around.
Time for a cuppa and a gourmet mince pie.

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