A Clean Chair

Breathless excitement around the old homestead today. I liked the old chair but just couldn't get it clean anymore. This is the new one which I like  too and it won't show dirt. Ozzie won't sleep in a chair, and I don't think Blake will want to sleep in this one either. The clincher was when Dana said she'd take the old chair. She said a dirty chair would fit right into her  'empty nest, two boys in college' decor. Not only that but she drove me to Sonoma to pick up the new one in her car, which is big enough to transport it. There are so many wonderful things in that store that I think she enjoyed herself but was left wishing she could refurnish her whole house.  I always feel that way about that store. Maybe it gave her some ideas. She probably should fix the holes in the walls, souvenirs of the boys' occupancy, before she worries about replacing the couch....

I have to go and rearrange pillows now....

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