Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


It's been just over a month since I did the last leg of my Forth and Clyde Canal Walk 2018. On that occasion I finished at Auchinstarry Marina, so that was my start-point this morning.

It was a beautiful autumn day, although quite chilly. Perfect for walking, and pretty good for photography as well.

My leisurely stroll was certainly a most enjoyable one, taking me about three hours to walk just over five miles. That was reflected in the number of photographs taken along the way. This one was taken on my mobile phone, rather than my camera, giving me a Blip for the day and was taken from a bridge between Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, near the ruins of Craigmarloch Stables.

Just as I had taken my first photo here, a swan appeared in view underneath the bridge, so a couple of other shots were called for. Result!

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