Lizzy Welshcake

By TheNextChapter

Then there were three....

We inherited a hen and a cockerel when our neighbours moved. We then got six ex-battery hens making a total of eight birds. Sadly, an ex-batt died quite soon. She just wasn't very healthy. Then the original Hen had some sort of stroke and had to be put down. So we were down to six. :-(

They were completely free range and one ranged too far. She just never came back that night. Down to five.

Finally, a few weeks back, the same thing happened but this time two of them disappeared. The very next day yet another one tried to wander off. We caught her halfway down a neighbouring field and had to carry her back.

Since then we keep them more enclosed. It's a decent sized run and a huge shed and we have plans to make it bigger. Also we let them out for as long as we can, but supervised!

This is one of the remaining three; she likes jumping up and pecking my fingers while I take photos! ;-)

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