The Buffalo Step

Not really, but during my 55-minute call to Apple Support, I glanced up at this little figure, and it looked like she was doing the Buffalo tap dance step. It's one we'll use in our newest routine; it doesn't look quite like this, but it's close.
Ho Hum, what else to do while waiting on the phone. Look around the room, play a game of Scrabble, organize that drawer I can barely close . . .
Periodically, I have trouble uploading tap dance practice videos to YouTube, this time it was because the YouTube icon disappeared on both the Photos app and the iMovie app. It didn't get resolved even after being bumped up to two higher-ups. Most of the call was not spent on hold, way less than half of it. So that means no matter how absent-minded, clueless, impatient, or foolish I am, Apple spent about forty minutes of real time actually talking to me. (We resolved it by me uploading to YouTube from YouTube. I don't like doing it that way, but at least I can.) Not sure if I'm impressed and grateful for Apple's attention, or amazed that it can take that long and yet a problem remains unsolved. Now, the YouTube icon has reappeared on iMovie, but it's still not available in Photos.
a-flap, step, a-flap, ball-change, repeat . . .

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