Time for Cinnamon Rolls!
The days have gotten chillier. The nights are getting long. And so it is that it is time for COMFORT foods! My husband recently picked up cinnamon rolls at the store. You know, the easy kind, the ones that come in a can.
When I was little, you'd have to WHAP! the can against the counter top to get it open, and sometimes that almost seemed like the best part. These days, you just poke it with a spoon. Not nearly so violent. Nor as much fun!
Then you lay out the cinnamon rolls. I always add more cinnamon and brown sugar before baking them. When they're done, you ice them. But the tiny container of icing they give you is never enough. So I make extra icing of my own. Who could stop me? ;-)
Easy cream cheese frosting: one 8-oz container cream cheese, one stick butter (both softened and then mixed with a mixer); two teaspoons vanilla; two cups 10X confectioner sugar. Now THAT is a more satisfying amount of icing. Cinnamon rolls are best served slightly warm. NOM!
The soundtrack song: Tommy Roe, with Cinnamon.
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