
It was an unlikely place for a man from a green country to come to, but he came about thirty years before the turn of the century and he brought with him his tiny Irish wife, a tight hard little woman humorless as a chicken.

I’m using the Pomodoro technique today. 25 minute, focused work period, interspersed with 5 minute breaks. Then, every 4 Pomodoros you get a longer 25 minute break.

I manage to get a first draft of chapter 1 finished. My co-author, Gaspar, is understandably delighted. He’s been waiting for a year. Then again, he hasn’t read it yet.

Claire gets back from Fife, exhausted. I knock up a quick omelette (shop eggs ;( ). We drink a couple of glasses of wine. And by nine o’clock we’re both struggling to keep our eyes open.

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