.....Seaview Sunset from mum's garden.
Mum and I went to the garden centre, our second visit this spring and we came home with a few bedding plants. I like to have red and white impatiens by my front door during Christmas and over the summer period but they always sell out quickly. Nice to know I have them now and will nuture them until this unsettled weather passes and then plant them out in the garden and also in pots.
While having a cuppa with mum we admired her garden, full of colour with her rhododendron's coming out, this one is always admired with it's soft fiery shades. The buds are pink and almost red and then as the flower opens the centres are a soft shade of yellow while the petals take on a glorious coral shade, it really does remind us of a sunset.
Thanks to Anni aka BikerBear, for continuing to host Flower Friday :)
Another weekend has arrived, enjoy people :)
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