Quilt Weather

Fog, rain and nippy mornings; time to get out the quilts.  

This is a quilt I made in 1986.  The pattern is "flying geese", appropriate for now since I usually have a yard full of Canada geese.  It is entirely hand pieced, triangle by triangle, and it's huge.  I can't remember how long it took me but I wasn't concerned about time.  Quilting was always a therapeutic endeavor for me.  That was back in the days before arthritis took control of my hands.  I couldn't do that now if I had to.  I made many quilts back when I could.   I made them for most family members and some friends, and I loved making them.  I think I'll start on one for my brand-new great-grandson and with any luck, I can have it finished by the time he reaches 3 or 4.  My daughter and I have just learned that we have a second great-grandchild due next year; one for each grandson and how delightful that they'll be close in age as they grow up.  

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