Coprinus comatus

Aka the Shaggy Inkcap, Lawyers Wig or Breakfast Mushroom.

This specimen is currently near perfect for eating. But...
It's a confusing little shroom. Despite its family name it is no longer is classified as a Coprinopsis but is now placed in the genus Agaricacea. Once you are familiar with it it's an easy spot, but it can be mistaken for the Magpie Inkcap (known in the US as 'the Vomiter') or its actually less common cousin the Common Inkcap, which tastes yack.

So why for breakfast?
Well unlike many fungi who dispel their spores for airborne reproduction the Shaggster autodigests itself - it effectively melts into the black ink that gives it the other part of its common name, and it does so very very quickly (3-4 hours tops) from being picked. So if you're looking for a meal then it needs to be quick, and as they often appear overnight, breakfast seems ideal.
Fried in butter (a wild mushroom staple) they taste exquisitely shroomy, and they're best like this, before the cap detaches from the stem and starts to open (which gives other super useful id tags for specimens further developed than this example). They're also reliable, that dissolution into ink means they're often strongly present in an area. I found this in our woods, but they're just as common in meadows and fields.

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