Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Dr Google

A real struggle at the gym today, but I kept going. Amazingly enough, I never cheat, but keep going until I reach 20 minutes.

(Sorry to keep harping on about my knees, but this is a sort of diary) I had a wee Google about my ongoing sore knees, and sure enough, I'm not the only person in the world to experience this. But after two and a half years of visits to various doctors, it seems that none of them had ever come across it before, or even thought to check with Dr Google themselves. No, they'd just hand me different 'painkillers' - none of which worked. And I had the slight, vague feeling that they, perhaps, possibly, suspected that I had hypochondriacal tendencies. However, I’m seeing a second knee surgeon in a couple of weeks, so hopefully he's aware of this. After all, one report quoted 20% of people have ongoing problems after knee replacements.

JR took Archie for a big walk again. (Photo by JR) She wants to maintain her Round-the-Island-Jersey fitness levels, after a dip during the French holiday (too many pastries).

Watched three episodes of The Cry last night - last one tonight. It's very good.

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