Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Nothing like a good lecture from Lord Vader ...

You know , about coming to the dark side and all the benefits etc etc ... it does sound quite appealing ....
We left the beautiful beach house in Malibu late morning and I drove us to Anaheim where the original Disneyland is ... gave our wonderful beast of a car back ( I want one now ) and collected all our passes for Disney ....
I’ve throughly enjoyed driving a portion of the west coast ... it’s no where near as busy as trying to get around the M25 or driving in any of our major cities .. even L.A was a doddle. Mr W isn’t allowed to drive anywhere as I’m not a good passenger for anyone so I always drive us everywhere .
We are absolutely exhausted now from running around and leaping on rides in the park so I’m now going to sleep !!!

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