A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Quite simply, Sunday.

I don't think that it's any single element of Sunday, rather the combination of many parts that make it a day I look forward to so much.

It isn't just resting from a week gone past or preparing for a week to come.
It isn't just going to church.
It isn't just reading the Bible or praying.
It isn't just singing.
It isn't just eating dinner without an article/textbook for company.
It isn't just spending time with friends.
It isn't just meeting new people...

I really could go on... It isn't "just" one or two of these things...it's the combination of them all that leave Sunday a day to look forward to, a day filled with joy and a day that sets me up for the week ahead.

God is good!

Early morning wander.

Brilliant morning service - hearts singing out in wonder of a magnificent God.

Tasty dinner and relaxing afternoon (nap included!)

Thought-provoking and entirely beneficial "Christian Beliefs" course working through 20 core doctrines (based on, I believe, Wayne Grudem's book).

Wonderful evening service - church at praise. May not have much of a voice tomorrow, but a great way to end the day and start the week :)

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