I love pink lipsticks and have lots of them - these are just a few so I decided they might like to have a few moments of fame on Blip today.  My favourite one is the one in the gold coloured case in the middle of the shot - but that is almost gone - I just can’t bear to throw this lovely gold case away!  It’s an Estée Lauder lipstick that I bought some years ago, but sadly they have stopped doing that particular colour - and anyway, I don’t think I could justify spending almost £25 on a lipstick, so good old Rimmel or M & S lipsticks are what I use these days.

The tray cloth is one I embroidered when I was about 12 years old and as it has some pink flowers, thought it made a suitable backdrop, with a few pink ribbons thrown in for good measure.

Today is the day that Mr. HCB has decided he will clear out the garage - but of course, I have to be there too, to make sure that he does “chuck” rather than “squirrel away” a lot of the stuff that has piled up.  We might just as well call it a “man shed” because it is filled with mostly his stuff and also stuff from his father’s shed (and he died in 1977) - so I’m sure you can appreciate, we need to be very ruthless - and I really do mean WE, so I will catch up with you all later - have a great day.  It’s lovely and sunny here in Wiltshire so I may have to leave him later, once most of the work is done, and go out for a walk.

Please join me during 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By clicking here
So that those who are not able to pay
Can have a free mammogram. 

“Give a woman the right lipstick
     and she can conquer
          the world!”

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