Of Birds And Eggs

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I'm glad I got a picture of this blackbird on my way home. I do love blackbirds, they have such personality. Also, the way they move, so swift and jerky, like they are badly-animated. They are such fun to watch.

And Lemon started my day off with a laugh by telling me that her partner's grandkids had been to visit at the weekend. There are 3 of them - two boys aged 11 and 10 and a girl, 8.

Since Lemon has an 11 year old and a 9 year old of her own, she doesn't have much issue with them visiting. But her partner gets seriously stressed by having 5 kids in the house. Apparently on their last day, he was ready for them to leave the house at 8am.

"'Kay kids," he told them, "everything's packed and ready, you just need to have your breakfast and then nana will drive you home." He rushed them out of the house like a border collie herding unruly ducks.

Quite why he gets so stressed Lemon is unsure. They are good kids, she told me, but he always thinks the worst of them. On the drive home, he called her. 

"Hey! I think one of those kids stole one of my commerorative coin!" he blurted out. "Little bugger ran back in the house after he picked up his bag! That's when he did it I reckon!"

"You do realise you're on speakerphone?" said Lemon to her partner. And to the kids sitting in the backseat, listening to all this.


"'Cuz I'm driving, dumbarse," replied Lemon. Giggles from the kids.

She went on to say that the commemorative coin had been missing for months. Way before the weekend visit.

"Oh. Ah. Maybe he took it on his LAST visit then?" countered her partner, trying to salvage some credibility.

Lemon shut him down and hung up.

"Why did grandad think we stole a coin?" asked the little girl.

"'Cuz he's a egg and he's senile," replied Lemon.

"What does 'senile' mean?"

"It means he's grumpy all the time."

"Oh yes, he's definitely senile," the kids all agreed. "He's really senile."

I laughed a lot at that. Mainly at the use of the word "egg". I've never heard that in real life before.

"A egg". Ha ha ha!


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