Glasson Dock

This morning we walked from the hotel to Glasson Dock, where we managed to find a café serving serviceable coffee and we sat outside and watched the canal, read our books, and generally took it easy. The Minx is off to Venice, tomorrow, with the miniMinx, so this was our last little bit of time together until she gets back at the weekend. 

I was technically on a day off from work but there was some email that needed handling and then I had a lovely bit of (work) news, so despite it being a bit of a compromised holiday I was feeling rather happy as I headed out for a long run in the afternoon. 

Which was good preparation for the evening when Dan, Abi, and I met up with Bob and his family, who are visiting Kirkby, for a curry :-)

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Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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