Decommissioning Continues

Not as windy today, but still breezy.  A good few sunny spells this morning, but clouded over by lunchtime, with showers starting in the late afternoon.  Less wind tonight, and the odd shower.

I've been working on the museum desk all day, and a fairly quiet day.  Plenty of folk looking and naming folk in my exhibition.  A quiet evening at home, walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later. 

I've been watching the decommissioning of the Buchan Alpha oil platform, but rarely seem to take photos of it.  My last Blip of it was over a year ago, and it's fairly come down since then.  They said it'll take about two years, so another year and it should be gone.  It'll be good if more come here, a few extra jobs for folk.  Taken from South Califf, Tingwall. 

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