Skull (Day 1266)

Another horrible day. The dogs and I got soaked and blown around on the morning wander up the hill. 
After drying off and getting organised at home, I made my way back to the job I was at yesterday. I sorted out some pipework inside before dodging showers outside whilst connecting up waste pipes. The afternoon was spent trimming wet wall to allow the shower tray to fit, and running a waste pipe for the shower to the outside of the building. It took a lot longer than I had expected, and I finished a little late. 
On the way home, I took a detour to Crispin's to check on the latest news about his boiler. 
Back at home, without a blip, I picked up the camera to find that it is failing to recognise that it has a memory card in it. I suspect that the same thing has happened to it as happened to my beautiful wife's camera a while ago. I will need to take it all apart and do a tiny bit of soldering. 
I had intended to take a shot of this skull with the camera, but had to make do with a mobile phone shot instead. 
I am looking forward to having HV home tomorrow evening, we are passing like ships in the night at the moment.

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