All New Alpaca Wigs!, Aylesford
Another really beautiful day so decided to get up early and take some photographs. These are the extra three shots with the title "The Death Of The Curly Wurly, Parts 1 - 3". This footbridge over the M20 motorway was at the end of Teapot Lane where I went to school, both primary and secondary, and was always known by me and my brother as the curly wurly bridge. A couple of months ago the central span was cut away as the motorway is being widened and the bridge was no longer fit for purpose. I must have crossed the bridge hundreds of times over many years and to see it looking so forlorn is very sad.
Today's main shot was taken at the farmers' market that comes to our village on the third Sunday of every month. I loved this woman's spectacular hair and imagined that she was trying on an all new alpaca wig. An acquired taste I think.
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