
By cowgirl

Shot at dawn

Groggy and full of cold, I dragged myself out of bed and got myself together in time for my brother to pick me up on the way to collect mum. We had made a date to visit dad’s grave and I’d bought some bulbs to plant there, which I’ve been meaning to do for the last few years.

Lunch at The Lilypad, a place I’d randomly found on the Internet, which turned out to be a 10 min drive from the cemetry ( Boythorpe, Chesterfield ).

Home for a 20 minute rest on the sofa to let the painkillers I’d just swallowed take affect, then off to rendezvous with friends for a Twilight Trek at the National Memorial Arboretum. Lots of extra pics today ...

A very interesting tour, an hour flew by, then owls, hot drinks and a mooch round the gift shop ( I finally bought some poppy earrings to match a necklace Sav gave me a few years ago ).

A link to the website of The National Arboretum - worth a look on its own, even if you can’t actually visit;

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