Allotment with a view
We are now the proud leasers of a 1/4 allotment - we have been on the waiting list since moving to Stirling and a couple of plots came up which they have divided into 4 so that a number of us on the waiting list can get started. We can see if it suits us, and we stay on the list so that when a 1/2 or full-size plot comes up we can take that if we want (or the 1/4 might be enough). And the allotment association get to see that we are committed before we take on a full plot and then neglect it. So it's win-win all round!
The plots do need a bit of work to get into shape, as they've been neglected, so all the 1/4-plotholders are getting together over the next little while to clear the whole lot (rather than just doing our own little bit). I really like the community effort side of things, so hopefully we will make new friends as well as growing our own veg and stuff. This is all part of my cunning plan for Pete and I to become Tom and Barbara from the Good Life.
As if that wasn't brilliant enough, just look at the view! (that's the Wallace Monument beyond the Rugby Club).
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