
By JanetH

Is it a sign?

Last week I bought a small box of glow sticks so that I could experiment with creative night shots from time to time. I was intending taking them with me to a friend's next Friday so we could play together.

Last night I went out to watch a local pantomime and every member of the audience was given a glow stick. It was late when I got home and I couldn't unwind so I decided to start the photography experiment on my own. I wasn't getting on too well with one so took one out of my box. A little later I decided to get one of the connecting pieces out of the box but in the dark I didn't realise I had left the box open and I picked it up upside down. All the sticks started to fall out so I went to catch them ... and in the process managed to snap every one! Suddenly I had 13 glowing sticks!!! Of course, these can only be used once and I didn't want to waste them so I had a fun half hour experimenting and got 1 or 2 interesting shots.

Play time tipped me in to a new day so I am even able to share one with you so as not to waste the glow stick blip opportunity! The rest of the experiment and what I originally wanted to do will have to wait until another time!

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