The Twenty-Minute Tourist

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I decided to go to the National Library of New Zealand today, to look at the Treaty of Waitangi and Kate Sheppard's petition for women's suffrage, which is my main blip of the day.

Apparently Kate took the petitions from all over the country and pasted them all together into this big scroll that you see here - there's another picture about it in the extra. The other extras are a fragment of the Treaty of Waitangi and a handy little sign telling you what it is all about.

My only problem was that I wasn't quite sure where the National Library of New Zealand was, although I knew it was somewhere near the Beehive. As it turns out, it's this huge giant massive building with "NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND" written on the side. 

How embarrassing.

I was going in my lunchtime, so didn't have much time to look around, but it is definitely on my list for another explore when I have more time. The documents are hidden in a darkened niche for obvious reasons, but there are large, interesting, interactive displays all over the place so you can see how these documents came to be.

It's very well done. I really liked it.

And it was a beautiful sunny Spring day in Wellington today. So I thoroughly enjoyed walking around in the sunshine, pretending to be a tourist and taking in the - 

Oh eff. Time to get back to work for another meeting. Maybe I'll be a tourist again onTuesday.


p.s. In other news, I have started watching "iZombie". It is quite good. I think it is aimed at teenage girls though. That's a bit embarrassing.

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