Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Colourful drinking mug.

Oh my great goodness.
What an exceptionally amazing gift from Source God every single day is on Earth.
God help us stay sane and sensible as our poor already, county, is brutally fracked.
There are no words in the known language, the righteous usage, for those who find such a deplorable un eco friendly act, diabolical and clearly unkind to Mother Nature. After years on campaigning to stop fracking, the worst, or whatever words politely word it, is happening.
Earthquake is not welcome in this already violated county. Nor toxic material. Nor waste of gallons of precious, sacred water.

God forbid, said prayerfully, in an imploring tone, that other counties are tracked and their collaborate wishes obliterated or more mildly, ignored! Oh my goodness! How sadly evil is this situation! The seriousness of what the decision makers have done to Lancashire, is beyond thinking. There are eternal consequences for everything so I can imagine how the anger this has caused will not be forgotten too soon.
Democracy is indescribable.,
So no not a rant. No swear words. No subtle or subliminal adverts for party politics.
Just a big black and white crocheted coaster. Symbolic of nothing. Also, a striped colourful drinking mug.
Sad and more than a little displeased.

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