EB Alert

Mrs W’s new pooter turned up today.  Her heavy duty pooter could no longer keep up with the likes of Affinity Draw etc, especially with PS running in parallel, and her old pc was having troubles being overloaded too, so we bit the bullet and invested a very high spec PC to keep her going.  We did that when we bought the one that’s being replaced . . .
This has resulted in a day full of moving three machines including the new one. The work day PC has been stripped right down and will now just run the weather station, possibly 24hr a day now (I will be measuring the cost!), the old high spec PC will now be the routine PC, and the new PC ONLY has the high end progs on it!!  All this plus the amount of dusting and vacuuming involved.
So a quick shot of the box the PC came in is all you are getting, not even a catch-up on commenting, sorry.

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