The Super Highway

Walking into the City to my Photo Society meeting. It's all a bit bonkers walking down the Mile End Road because they've installed the new cycle Super Highway. It's set between the pavement and the bus stops. So cyclists are hurtling along while bus travellers wander across from the pavement in front of them. And pedestrians who want to cross over the road (that was me). You need to have eyes in the back of your head.

Anyway, having successfully negotiated that hazard, I continued to camera club for a really good evening about assembling a documentary series of photos. We had been invited to submit a suggested 5 pictures. The external RPS lecturer explained to us with an excellent illustrated talk the things to think about.

He looked at our draft picture stories and made some helpful suggestions. More work is now needed to polish them up for the new year.

And then it was all up to the pub. Weatherspoons is much maligned. The one up near Old Street is good and on Tuesdays they do a fantastic value steak and chips with a drink for under a £tenner. One or two of the club members ordered it and it looked ultra tasty. Memo to self: don't have  anything to eat next time before you go out.

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