An eye on nature...

By Wendybee

A VERY special visitor at 3 am this morning!

I happened to get up around 3 this morninglooked out of the window, and saw a big lump out on the lawn. The lump moved around, and I couldnl't believe my eyes - Mr Badger! Never seen one in our garden before, even though our house is called Badger Hill! I watched him a bit, then crept along to get a camera. But I couldn't really see what I was doing, and didn't get any settings right, and I was too afraid to put the full light on in case it frightened him away. So I just panicky clicked away even though I couldn't tell whether he was in the frame! I tried another camera but the light from that got to him and he ran off.
This picture I played around in Photoshop like the other day, just to improve the general look in spite of the lack of focus.
I just feel so privileged to have these animals around us. I think he was picking up some of the squirrel food, so now I shall have to start putting out some food at night and hope he comes again! But we are going away tomorrow to our friends in Spain, so I won't be able to follow this up until we get back...

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