This makes my Heart Hurt.

I just love how working with kids or animals gives you so many Blip Opportunities!!! Iv never been so early for blips in my Blip life before!!!

So this morning was going really well. Everyone was happy, they enjoyed a nice big slice of Happy melon with their breakfast and I didn't even need to ask them to clean their teeth as they were so excited to see if toothpaste sprays off an electric toothbrush before it gets in your mouth so they just did it - and no, it didnt spray off the toothbrush....just as well as a fully functioning electric toothbrush, fully loaded with Aquafresh (other varieties are available) was carried from the bathroom to the kitchen for me to see!

I was talking about things going well....well, they were until we got to the school playground. A little Munchkin who has featured quite strongly this week got in a bit of a scuffle. I was so busy looking at the amazing view with mist in the valleys that I missed the scuffle and the next thing I knew, Munchkin chops was hitting and kicking the 'Bell teacher'. How things can take a dramatic turn in the wrong direction so fast is just astonishing!!!

The Little Munchkin then starting hitting and shouting at me and it was all I could do to contain him to a point where he was safe to let go to just hide behind me and we waited for his TA to come to the rescue. I felt so sad watching his angry little face as he went into school.

When I collected him, he was in a much better mood and proudly showed off a video he had made with his TA doing a Dirty Dancing dance. He said he wanted to go to school for longer than an hour tomorrow. I suggested he wrote a letter to the 'Bell teacher' saying he was sorry for hitting and kicking her and we will have to see what they say.

And guess what....... 

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