Teaspoon full of Tweetie!

'T' is for Tweetie! ;-)

The two Ronnie's rescued this little Tweetie bird just befor 08:00 this morning! It is litterally one teaspoon full of life! It's been raining for more than 24 hours almost non-stop now, we had onlyh a few hours of sunshine today. Awsome!!! Luvvvvv it!!

The dogs were too fussy to go outside this morning, our tiny lawn was just too wet, so, father and son decided to take them out the front door and across the street, our one neighbouring house is empty at this stage and they have big open lawns with big trees, which gave the three smooches a wee bit of dry grass to do their business on. And there they discovered a bird's nest, fallen out a tree, with this teeny little fella, most probably 'born' during the night, and two little eggs, we think it may be a sparrow, the eggs look like sparrow eggs. Please pray that we will be able to pull him through, it is the smallest bird we ever tried to rescue! He eats very eagerly, C feeds him a special formula that we always use to rescue birdies, two drops at a time, administered from a tiny insulin syringe!

We had a wondeful day, filled with joy and laughter!!

My dearest friends, M&K - letstryit surprised me this morning! It is M's birthday tomorrow and since she knows that I won't be able to travel to Rustenburg to spend the day with her and her family tomorrow, they decided to visit us today, C&R sr prepared all sorts for today and M brought her master recipe peppermint crisp tart, but kept the secret sooo well!! I was totally overwhelmed when they arrived!! They stayed till almost dark, and it felt like they were here for only and hour or so!! We chatted and giggled and checked photos, and fed teeny weeny Tweety Bird and enjoyed tea and cake and then we had a lovely lunch, cooked by C, and then we just chatted and lazed about in the lounge, the rain pouring down every so now and again! Phew, what a joyfull day!!

Thank you Marietha and Kokkie, Ronnie, Charmaine and Ronnie jr as well as Joe! It was a memorable day!! LuvUToBits!!

Good night my dear Bipfriends and Family! LuvUAll!

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