From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Till a Heavy Cold Does Us Part....

I love setting my alarm on Saturdays for the sheer joy of just switching it off and cuddling down into the duvet for another couple of hours. That has backfired on me occasionally though and I have found myself at the side of the council house before I've realised I should still be in bed!

Mercifully, that doesn't happen in Ayr though! It was the most beautiful day although it was very chilly - my sort of crispy wintery day - lovely. I was up and ready when Mom got back from mass and we wandered back into town, said 'hello' to the seagulls and I had a gorgeous bacon roll in TK Maxx.

The town was busy with lots of people doing early Christmas shopping. There were at least three pipers and loads of Red Cross collectors. I got a few pictures of people walking over the bridge but they were all glaring at me! We decided to walk along the beach on the way back. Mom spotted what I thought was a white sack in the distance (my eyes are appalling!) but as we got closer, we saw it was a gorgeous bride and groom being photographed by a woman dressed like an eskimo! It was cold enough and the bride had left her white stilettos on the wall to stand on the sand. There was no one else around. No guests or anyone else being nosey like me were around. I wished them well, took this picture and fled back home to get warm!

Track? A bit of Billy Idol is the business here! -

White Wedding

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