Psi Power
It's like a radio you can't switch off
There's no way to get peace of mind
I'd like to live inside a lead-lined room
And leave all this Psi Power behind
Circle, square, triangle, waves
It's a gift that soon turns sour
Why don't they let me get some rest?
It's too much to understand and to digest
Psi Power
Rather sad news today. C and I took Django on his final, one-way, trip to the vets this morning. It was clearly the right time but it was very hard to do. It was all very peaceful and the vet was nice but we have had better mornings.
Maude will now have to feature in twice as many blips.
Time for some more upbeat music. But with the slight morbid twist that I want this played at my funeral. Hey Charlie, Hey Chuck!
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