'Molly Big Bum'!

This morning when I went on my walk it was so dark I thought it was the middle of the night. It was also pouring with rain. Ann took a photo of me pounding the streets in the rain and darkness, then she was really insulting to me. She said, 'Molly your bum looks really big in this photo. I'm going to start calling you Molly Big Bum!' Well that's not a very nice name is it? And I don't think my bum is big .......................... it only looks big because of the angle the photo has been taken?!!

So, I devised a very clever cunning plan. As soon as I got home I jumped up on the sofa (where I'm not really allowed to be), lay down and did my most 'appealing look' ever. Even though I was wet & stinky, and lay on the newspaper and made it all soggy before Ann had read it; I knew she wouldn't be able to resist blipping me.

My very clever cunning plan worked! Ann said, 'Molly you are the most gorgeous little collie in the whole wide world'. And she rushed off to get her camera.

...................Why she's also had to post the picture of my 'big bum' I don't know?

PS - Weather today is horrendous. It's been dark and pouring with rain all day. We've never known it so bad. All rail travel is cut off from Cornwall, flights into Newquay airport have been delayed/cancelled, and apparently there's worse to come, though how anything could be worse than this we don't know?! ..........................Can't see me blipping anything exciting for at least a couple of days?!!!!!

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