Roly's Life

By Roly


My car is an insurance write off. The garage will give us an idea of how much to fix it a cheaply as possible but it’ll take a few days. While dealing with Eldest and insurance, the blame has been laid on me - the perks of motherhood. MrRoly is complaining he’s tired after all day meetings and doesn’t really want to go out for his tea tonight - I’m struggling to feel sympathy. Smallest is being kept in at playtime and dinner times but doesn’t know why so I’m going to take that up with the school. The Boy missed his ‘praise day’ interview with the head last Friday and is moaning about how only the sporty ones are getting recognised - I’m poker facing. Princess is driving everyone potty with her latest ‘tick’ - an over exaggerated sniff. I couldn’t face my run tonight. Just feeling a little overwhelmed by it all.

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