
For a change we thought we would make a visit to Stonehaven and have a walk along the boardwalk. The main road in Stonehaven is rather run down and it looks as though the town has rather fallen on hard times, but the boardwalk next to the sea is quite pleasant walk along the beach. There are a few interesting buildings. Literally a few, I can think of two, but there may be a couple more. One of them is this clock tower, I found the following description in the internet:-

Dating from 1790, the building contains the town clock. In 1894 tower was heightened and the clock was raised to its present position at the top of the square sandstone tower. Above the doorway is a large barometer, dated 1852, used by the local fishermen. The Clock Tower was also the site of one of the many public water supplies in the 19th Century. The Tower fell in to disrepair but a major refurbishment in 2015 has led its re-opening as a tourist attraction.

The weather was very cloudy when we arrived, but the photograph already shows sunshine on the tower. Not long after this the sky cleared and we had sunshine for the rest of the afternoon.

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