
By mindful_life

Sunday Serenity

Today has been the most wonderful day!! I had a yoga day which I have mentioned in my previous blips this week and it was wonderful! I didn't really know what to expect as I have never done a day event before but it was lovely.

The first thing we did was a meditation on the Kosha's moving through the five levels of our being. I still find meditation hard as my mind has a tendency to wander a lot but it all about practice and that it what I am doing.  

We did our first yoga practice which was called Yin Yoga.  It involves stillness in poses rather than dynamic movements which we are all used to. We held many of the poses for a whole 5 minutes and some for 2-3 minutes depending on what it was.  Whist holding the poses our Yogi read some excerpts from a book (which I have already ordered in print and on my kindle because it was wonderful) call Until Today by Iyanla Vanzant. I may end up using some of it in my blips as the parts that were read were very powerful and thought provoking. I will finish my blip with one of the powerful excerpts that was read.

After this we did a more powerful yoga involving a lot of shoulder work which was tough at times but very good. And our last yoga practice was called Buti Yoga.  This is a tribal dancy type yoga which was lots of fun and something I have never done before! 

After all of that we had a vegan lunch, which was delicious! It was so nice to actually be able to eat a little bit of everything! It also gave me chance to catch up with a friend who I knew through the gym I used to attend and who I haven't seen for a while.  We had a long chat and have made plans to meet again soon!

Lastly we did a gong meditation, which is what my photograph is of.  One of the gongs.  It was a long meditation of nearly an hour but was beautiful.  The were other sounds played other than the gongs all of which were very magical and we were encouraged to feel the vibrations of the sounds.

I loved being among people who enjoy meditation and yoga.  It was a huge learning curve for me as I had no idea of the different varieties there are and I came away feeling peaceful and calm. A truly magical experience and one which I will definitely do again.  

Here is the powerful reading from today.

"What you tell yourself you are, you will be. What you allow yourself to be reflects what you have told yourself you are.

I will realise my own worth when I accept what I tell myself I am, I am.

Your self-worth and sense of worthiness begin with the belief and understanding that you are not a victim. When you know who you are and whose you are, you cannot be a victim.  Sure, things happen to you. There are people who have dishonoured you. You may have been born into circumstances that put you behind the so-called eight ball. You may have been rejected or molested. You may have been afflicted with mental, emotional or spiritual dysfunction. None of it makes you a victim! As long as you believe it does, it will!

People have a propensity to do mean, mindless, irrational, irresponsible and unloving things. You know that! Rather than asking why, ask "How can I use this for my own growth?" 

Until today, you may not have realised that you have the power to reshape and redefine any experience, no matter how devastating it seems. Just for today, take off the cloak of victimisation. Look at your experience, and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to use it for something good."


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