Knot (Day 1256)

I woke late, having not set an alarm clock. Normally my body clock would have woken me by 7am, but today I got a whole extra hour. Although overcast, the morning woofer wander was reasonably pleasant (we didn't get rained on).
I had a quick coffee with my beautiful wife once she returned from work, and before she zoomed off to check on the hosses. Whilst she was away, I cleaned out the boiler. 
After lunch we took the dogs a wander at Wasdale again. As HV snapped away at the view, I took a few shots of random stuff in the scrapyard, and liked this one in particular. The dogs found a discarded tennis ball and were soon splashing around in the loch after it. Sigyn even had a swim in her attempt to wrestle it from Talisker, which is very unusual (extra). She isn't as elegant in the water as Talisker.
As HV disappeared off to work later, I headed for Stromness and a little job which has been waiting for me for a few days.

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