As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Let's Have A Kiki

So I woke up this morning to find out that there was practice, but I had already slept through it so oh well. I ran four easy miles on my own but trying to get through Mill Pond was nearly impossible with all of the downed trees. When I got all cleaned up, K-Po picked me up with Shannon already in the car and we met Thomas and Brandon in the school parking lot. From there we drove to the mall to do some not-so-intense Black Friday shopping. We pretty much found every store in the mall that sold video games and looked there. We met Tommy, Dolley, and Jake at Five Guys for a late lunch, and from there we went to Kohl's. I shopped around with Dolley and Tommy and ended up getting a nice shirt. We went to Best Buy after that and then I had to get home so I could get ready for dinner with Liz, Avery, Jamie, Shannon, and Gabby. We went to Krisch's, and while the food was delicious, the service was severely lacking. We ended up spending close to three hours there, and while it was great to spend time together, it would've been nice to have our food a little quicker. From there, Liz dropped me off at Ashleigh's, where we watched a little bit of TV before having a kiki.

That kiki was marvelous.

Word of the Day: Balsamaceous - Possessing healing or restorative qualities

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