
By Whitelambo

I'm watching you.

Silly Al, trying to escape the terrifying clutch of Esme's arm hiding from the monsters of the night.. I've been writing too many ghost stories in English! Oh well!

It was dark when I woke up this morning.. It was cold too!! I eventually got up, got dressed, straightened my tie. Checked my bag. Wrapped up warm for the cold autumnal air outside the door awaiting for me to step out so it can follow me about all day!

Friday is chip day at school NOM-NOM-NOM! Lessons as usual. More lectures about GCSE's great! Music was good, and Art! But of course they are 'fun' lessons!!!!

Came home to find my little ginger Al waiting by his hutch door for me to feed him, that's all he ever wants.. FOOD! I cleaned out his hutch . And gave him and Alfie Llama a hug then headed off inside to do my homework, aah. The joys of school, night night now guys.. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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