Dolly and Kiki's 7th birthday

My beautiful girl is seven years old today, happy birthday Kiki! She has had a tough year and on more than one occasion we thought we might not make it to this day, but my girl is so resilient! We know we might not have another birthday with her, we are just enjoying what time we do have together! I have posted an extra of Kiki on her first birthday, this was when she had helicopter ears, before her ears fully lopped! She was our first and only bun at the time, Hubert came to live with us four weeks later! Seven bunnies later I couldn't be happier, Kiki is the one who started it all, one more reason I am grateful she is in my life!

I baked a cake to celebrate, thankfully I managed to work out the recipe and after a few test batches it turned out quite well! It's a carrot (what else) cake with cream cheese frosting, perfect for bunny birthday parties! Kiki doesn't have a big appetite so we took her cake with us when we went down to visit Matt, Eli and Sylvie! Spent the afternoon there, Eli had to go to nursery, but the rest of us had fun, watching bunny videos (extra), playing in the garden and looking for bugs! As we were heading home we spotted a juvenile wood pigeon sitting on the road! We took him to hessilhead and they are going to treat him for canker, hopefully he should be able to be released soon! we had Spot up to the vet in the morning too, she'd been sneezing for a few days! Thankfully there was nothing sinister, it may just be allergies or bit of hay stuck in her nose, but we'll be keeping a close eye on her just to be sure!

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