A "blue" day
Blue skies, pale blue jeans, blue grey top, royal blue bodywarmer on the back seat and we picked up our lovely new "blue flame" coloured car.
Once all the formalities were done at the dealership we had a quick lunch in Costa Coffee before driving home via the marina, where there were plenty of varying shades of blue amongst the narrow boats!
Once back home, we tranferred "stuff" into the new car, then set about working in the garden for the afternoon, as the weather was a beautiful 22 degrees. More like summer than autumn :-)
Hub cut both lawns, whilst I cut back all the hostas, peonies, rodgersia and collected up two trugs of leaves for composting. I cleared up around the back of the greenhouse, lots of empty pots, tubs, bags etc. from summer, now stowed away neatly in the greenhouse or garage until next Spring.
We've had a lazy tea tonight, then caught up on the last two episodes of Wanderlust.
Im off to stay with a friend for a couple of days tomorrow, really looking forward to it :-)
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