
By WildAurora

Red squirrels!

Lovely sunny day today and a gorgeous morning at Formby. One thing I've learnt about the reds though... They like to stay in the shady bits and move too fast lol. Due to the light (or lack of) photo quality isn't great. But Great memories for a lovely day. Lots of squirrels around all through to lunch time (when we left) busy gathering food for the winter. We did notice the sly, and clever, jays were watching to see the squirrels bury their nuts to then swoop in and steal the stash!
Two extras, one was a bit of an outtake when the squirrel and magpie had a standoff. The red squirrel won, despite what's appears on the photo. The other is when one ripped a large fungus out of the ground, he then scuttled off up the tree with the prize.

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