just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

That time again?

When Teddy last looked up it was light. How has it gone so dark? But then, Teddy has been so very busy.

Today, since he had to start rehearsing the Christmas concert, he thought he needed to get in the right spirit. His iPhone todo list appears to have been created by Tolstoy. Everyone apologises for adding a deadline for December but always assure him that they do realise it. And it won't take long. And it would be so very helpful. And it's just one thing. And they're sure he'll manage cause he's so professional.

Teddy knows lots of unseasonal words. He may slip a few into the new 14000 word handbook he's just had to rewrite. Just to see if anyone actually reads it.

Calm down and have another mince pie Teddy.

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