Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


We went to Arles today - two buses, one to Nîmes (time for a coffee) then a bus to Arles.

I must mention the coffee. I confidently asked for a 'noisette allongée s'il vous plait' and got the same as JR - a black coffee! I went back and asked for milk, which was from a carton. I put my half sugar in, and it was undrinkably SWEET! Took it back, asked for a black coffee, with added milk. But I should have checked the label, because it's some sort of flavoured milk. Still undrinkable. Gave up.

We found the Tourist Information in Arles, and a 'Van Gogh' map was duly bought (€2) and off we set. Didn’t quite manage all the sites (sights), but we had a good wander round the town. Even had time for a beer and a snack outside l'hôpital. (8,735 steps; 6.1km)

Arles is more shabby than chic - unlike Nîmes, Avignon and Uzès, but no less charming. We found several of Van Gogh's painting spots, and the hospital where he was after he cut off his ear. We visited it last time, in the 90s, while we hung around all day waiting for Eric (our Combi van) to be fixed. Can’t remember how we happened to get there, because we didn’t visit the hospital in St Remy when we were there (though we did discover tapenade!) where he painted 'Starry Night'. And you can visit his wee room there - how good would that be!

We did see a tiny garage near l'hôpital which just fitted one vehicle - Eric could have been there, it looked familiar. Each time we broke down, we only paid about €150, and really we could have been charged much more. AND we had to be towed to Arles from miles away, after remaining broken down on a hill all day Sunday. Happy days!

Two buses home, and it's not so peaceful in the afternoons, as the (big) school kids are going home, and there are crowds of 'em. And there's no such thing as queuing, everyone just barges in, especially the teenagers.

Popped into the Spar to pick up some fruit, yoghurt and wine (and chocolate), then round to the Place aux Herbes for my proper 'noisette allongée'. Very tired.

Market Day tomorrow. In the rain.

Posting this at 2.57am - the internet was down this evening, so I couldn’t. Then, when I couldn’t sleep, I realised I could use my phone as a hot spot.

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