Autumn Colour.
A bit of an emergency blip! After being in Edinburgh for a few days it was getting on with things round home. It wasn't until late afternoon I remembered I needed a blip.
In the corner of the garden is a large "Cherry" tree. I have always called it "Bird Cherry" but Kanyl insists the flowers are wrong. So all I know is it was there when we bought the house and it has small cherries not of eatable size. The autumn colour however is good, at time in the sun it looks as if the tree is on fire when it has reached full colour.
The other point worthy of note is I made my first survey in the BTO Owls Calling survey ( Once a week I need to listen for calling Tawny Owls for 20 minutes. A dead easy survey they even say you can do it in bed with the window open, sat in the greenhouse as it was a bit chilly. No birds recorded but nil returns are required and as valuable as positive records. The survey is a little over the half way point to the 10,000 volunteers target.
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