The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

Minny saw Marie walking towards him, arms outstretched.

He started to walk towards her - everything seemed to be in slow motion, just like the movies.


Marie .....

I thought you were dead ....

So did I .........

Hey Marie, said Minny breaking the spell, let's toddle across the road - that looks like a new cafe in Assembly Square.  I'm certain it wasn't there before we went to that dratted forest.  We can grab a latte and have a bit of a yarn.  

Suppressing a sigh, Sure said Marie, let's do that, wondering if Minny had a romantic bone in his body.   (To be fair to Minny, he had noticed that they were under the fascinated gaze of a repair man, and a lady pushing a pram.  He didn't want their first kiss to be so public)

And so they did .. and once they had taken their seat, and ordered coffee ( a soy latte for Marie and a flat white for Minny), Minny saw Marie looking longingly over his shoulder.

Oh, good grief, he thought - what's she seen now.  And she saw ...............................

(Join me same time next week, and you'll know exactly what it was Marie saw.)

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