Milky Way and Aurora Borealis

A beautiful day, but I got around to getting something to blip less than an hour before sunset when I went out with the drone. The extra #1 is a ten-shot panorama from the flight.

I was just about to blip it, when a fellow photographer mentioned Auroras on Facebook. I wasn't prepared. I had left my tripod in the car, and when I got on the field where I was going to set it up, I noticed that the quick release plate was missing. I ran back home to get it, and finally got shooting. From the field I went to the bog by the other pond to get the Auroras reflecting from the still water in the shot (extra #2). I took the main blip on the field on the way to the pasture where I took the third extra.

EDIT: I just learned that the red belt across the image is very rare SAR (Stable Auroral Red) arc. Hardly ever seen by the naked eye, and not often photographed. Wow, got lucky!

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