Fancy Man

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

A very quiet day today. It was hard to stay awake.

Meanwhile Cazza had an exciting day. She had one of her teeth shaved. 

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! If that made you grasp your mouth and go "ooya", I do apologise. 

Nevertheless, it is an actual thing that she had done. She reckoned that her teeth looked uneven so the dentist evened them up for her. Cazza says it's not nearly as traumatic as it sounds and she is delighted with the results.

It does make a heck of a difference. 

But one has to wonder; who is all this for? Recently she's had her eyes done and now the tooth thing. She's been talking to some cosmetic lip person about some lip thing as well.

Is this for ME?

Or is this all for her FANCY MAN???

I think not. But I made myself laugh today thinking that. Mainly because I haven't heard the expression "fancy man" since 1976.

Now I think about it, I would like to be Cazza's new fancy man. Maybe I should get something shaved. That would be sure to get her attention.


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